Wednesday, September 23, 2009

PTC Guide

Making money with paid to click or PTC sites is something anyone can do and you will see results immediately. It does require some time, effort and patience in the beginning if you are to succeed. If you are looking to get rich over night then this guide is not for you. However, if you are willing to put the time in and have the patience to see it through, you will be able to make money and in many cases a fair amount of it. You won’t become a millionaire doing this, but you will start earning immediately.

The guide is written in a step-by-step format and is meant for those that have little to no experience with PTC sites. It includes an example that you can actually go through that will have you making money at the end. Let’s get started.

Step 1: Create a new email account

The first thing you need to do is create a new email account. Generally it’s a good idea to get a separate account for signing up with PTC sites because it makes it easier to manage your emails if one is dedicated to paid to click sites. Start thinking of it like business where you want to keep it separate from your personal.

You can get your free email accounts at the Google, Yahoo, or MSN. Most of the free email account providers have junk mail filtering so make sure your settings are set where you will get email from any sites that you join.

Step 2: Sign-up for a Paypal and/or AlertPay account

The next step is signing up for an account with a payment processor. Most PTC sites will pay you via Paypal, AlertPay or check. If you haven’t heard of AlertPay, it’s just like Paypal. Signing up with these payment processors does not require a credit card and is free. Its a good practice to use the same email address for both your payment processor and your PTC sites. This ensures your payments go to the right account.

Step 3: Become a member at a PTC site

The next step is to actually join and become a member at a PTC site. Joining a site is very easy, much like creating an email account. Most sites don’t ask for any personal information, in fact usually just an email address, userid and password. Below I offer you a example that you can actually follow along with and you will begin to start making money by the end.

Click here to sign-up for a free account at Neobux. Fill in the form with your username, password, email address, etc. When you have entered all your info make sure you type the correct security code on the last field shown just to the right of it. Then click submit. That’s it! You have created your first PTC account.

Step 4: Start Making Money Online

After you have created your account, you are ready to login and begin veiwing ads to make money. Generally you need to view an ad for 20 to 30 seconds after which you will get a check mark notifying you that you have successfully viewed the ad for the required amount of time. You will then be credited with the amount of the click usually between $0.01 and $0.03. Right now that doesn’t sound like a lot, but you also make money on clicks that your referrals make and this can add up very quickly. Let’s continue our example we started from step 3 below.

Now that you have created your account, click on the login tab at the top and enter your userid and password that you created in step 3. Also remember to put in the 3 digit security code on the last field. Now that you have logged in to your account, let’s begin making money!

Click on the View Advertisement links on the top right of your screen. You will see all banners and websites available to you to click on and a counter showing the Current Ad Count. Beneath that you will see a list of categories ie “Computers and the Internet”. There will be banners under these categories. Click on the first banner under the category “Computers and the Internet”. You will be shown the website for the ad banner and you will see a timer counting down from 30. You must wait until that timer reaches zero. After it reaches zero you will see the word done with the green check mark and you will have earned your first $0.01.

You can view your real time cash earned in the top right corner. By clicking on your login name at the top right you are also able to view your account stats such as money earned, referral count and other member information. When you get yourself established, these numbers will grow quickly. Normally there is between 4 and 10 ads you can surf in a 24 hour period as a basic member. Premium members are offered more banners to click, more money per a click and more money from their referral’s clicks. It costs $60 a year for this membership upgrade, but may well be worth it if you plan to put the time and effort into it. As you visit each banner, it will get greyed out and force you to wait 24 hours before clicking them again.

Step 5: Getting Paid

Many sites have thresholds that you must reach before you can cashout. It’s usually around $5.00 to $10.00. Some sites have even lower thresholds like $2.00. Neobux has a $2 minimum payout. You can always check your stats to see how much you have earned currently. To get paid at Neobux, simply go to your account>>convert and select cash via Paypal or AlertPay. That’s it. “Money in the bank”.

Step 6: Geting Referrals To Join Under You

As touched on earlier, the way to really increase your earning potential is by referring new members to the site. By referring, we mean using the links and banners that the site gave you to advertise which has your userid in the link. You get paid for each click your referral makes as well as your own. So will a fair amount of referrals, you can start earning a more significant amount much more quickly then on your own. Here’s an example to illustrate the point.

Let’s say you are a member of UnoBux and you spend 15 minutes clicking ads:

You click 30 ads @ 0.01 =$0.30

Now suppose you recruited 10 members:

You click 30 ads @ 0.01 =$0.30
10 members click 30 ads @ $0.01 = $3.00
Total of $3.30

Not bad for 15 minutes and only having 10 referrals.

If you get 10 referrals a month in as little as 5 months you could be making over a $1.00/minute or $60/hr

You click 30 ads @ 0.01 = $0.30
50 members click 30 ads @ $0.01 = $15.00
Total of $15.30 in 15 minutes

Obviously this scenario assumes your referrals are clicking maximum ads which will not be the case, but the example is used to show how your earnings increase significantly with your referrals clicks.

A list of all your referrals are found in the referral section or some call them downline. Some sites even have multiple levels of referrals, which makes your earning potential even greater. You are also provided with tools to help you get new members or referrals. These include banners, splash pages, and links that can get you referrals. If you are having difficultly recruiting referrals most sites will even sell you referrals, instantly giving you a downline to make money for you. Yet other PTC sites like Neobux will actually rent you referrals.

To help get you started read this excellent article on How to Get Referrals that will help you in building your referral base. The article describes many free ways to attain referrals.

Step 7: Join Other Recommended PTC sites

These sites are well established and have been verified to payout cash. These are favorites of many PTC surfers.

  1. NeoBux
  2. You-Cubez
  3. UnoBux
  4. MeansBux
  5. Bux-Matrix

Refer to the Best PTC Sites for more sites to join.


What can you expect from being a PTC surfer? Just depends on your situation. Are you a college student? Stay at home mom or dad? Some people do it for fun as a hobby, and are happy to make $50 to $100 a month. While others do it to make money part-time to supplement their income. Others yet find it addicting and earn incredible amounts. Will you become a millionaire doing this? The answer is ‘no’. But you can make money doing it, if you put the time in and do it right.

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