Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bux vs Aurora PTC Sites

PTC sites, is their a difference?

PTC sites in general are either one of two types, bux or aurora. The Bux PTC sites are much more popular these days because of the higher earnings, however there is also much more risk as well with so many Bux site failures. Some Bux sites that you may be familiar with are and IsabelMarco. While you may also be familiar with these Aurora sites such as ClixnCash, Prowling Panther, and Advercash. Let’s take a closer look at the differences.

Bux Sites Pay Much Higher

Bux sites generally pay a lot more then aurora sites. Earnings per click are usually about $0.01 and referral clicks are between $0.005 and $0.01. On the other hand Aurora sites pay much less, usually in fractions of a cent from $0.001 to $0.005 and referral clicks even less. While this seems like Bux sites would have a huge advantage in this respect, it is actually a trade-off of sorts. Because of the higher payouts, bux sites tend to fail a lot because their payouts per a click are usually higher then the amount they charge for advertising. Take CrewBux for example. CrewBux pays $0.01 per click and $0.005 per referral click which potentially means that the site is paying $0.015 per click or $15.00 per 1000 clicks. Yet the site only charges $7.00 to advertise for 1000 clicks. That’s a difference of $8.00 for every thousand clicks for a standard member.

Revenue Models

Bux sites cannot survive on advertising income alone as illustrated above. Instead they are forced to make money from alternate cash streams. These include selling premium memberships with incentives such as higher click rates for both the user and referrals. Also premium memberships tend to get more ads to click. Bux sites also sell referrals and jackpots as other forms of revenue. Because bux sites are not self sufficient on advertising alone, many tend to fail. Aurora sites on the other hand pay out much less for click rates and can rely on advertising income to sustain site. They also have the option of selling premium memberships and referrals, but they do not have to rely on those revenue streams like a bux ptc site does. They don’t have the same payout issues because they generally have positive cash flow from advertising alone.


Aurora sites while not as popular for members because of the low click rates, do however attract many advertisers because it can sell ads at lower prices. This lends to the stability of aurora sites versus bux sites in this respect. Bux sites as mentioned above, have negative cash flow when it comes to pay per click advertising and rely heavily on other means of revenue.

Risk vs Reward

In the end, what it comes down to is fast earning/high risk investment versus a slow earning/stable investment. Aurora sites are on the safer end of the spectrum and bux sites on the high risk side, with many other PTC sites falling somewhere in between. Bux sites failure is usually the result of negative advertising cash flow. This leads to prolong delays in payouts because as the cashout requests begin to mount they must wait for additional revenue to come in via premium upgrades and referral sales before they make payouts. Sooner or later this gets to a point where the payout turnover is so high that the site will go under or delay payouts for ridiculous amounts of time. Aurora sites on the other hand are generally self sufficient with advertising income alone and referral sales and premium upgrades are just icing on the cake. Slow but steady and usually higher percentage of success.

New Breed of PTC Sites

In the past few months we have seen a new trend in PTC sites. Many newer sites have featured faster payouts, even instant payouts. This is a direct result of the “old school” bux script type sites that have payout delays of up to 6 months. These new PTC sites are a hybrid of the old bux and aurora sites. They still have the high earnings payout per click, but at the same time they are charging a lot more for advertising to see a positive cash flow. Some are also offering other features such as renting referrals like NeoBux, Buxout and SandraClicks. These sites are paving the way for a future with a better and prolonged life of paid to click sites.

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