Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Banned Accounts On Paid to Click Sites

Accounts getting banned on ptc sites is very common. Many times its a direct result of people new to the world of paid to click sites and are not familiar with some of the more common “no-no’s”. Other times it is just unreputable ptc sites who decide they no longer want to pay someone. Regardless of the reason, the results are the same, you lose all your money and time you put in. Let’s take a look at what not to do to avoid getting your account banned and what you should do if it does.

Multiple Accounts

The most popular reason most members get banned is for having multiple accounts. Many times it is a member who is not familiar with the TOS of the site and refers multiple members of their household. Most PTC sites only allow one member per household and violating this rule could result in having your account banned. Having said that, there are more PTC sites that are now allowing two members per household. The grey area here is really how do you define a household from the perspective of a ptc site. In most cases its defined by your ip address, since this is the easiest way to determine the source of its members.

Read the Terms of Service

Every paid to click site has one and if they don’t, avoid joining them. The TOS explicitly states all the rules of the site and most have a section defining the terms of user accounts. Here you will find exactly what you can and cannot do regarding your account. Many of them look the same and have common practices such as no multiple accounts. Follow the terms of service or risk having your account banned.

Public Internet Access

This is another common reason many members get banned. By using a computer at a public venue such as an internet cafe, at your workplace or at your university, you risk the possibility of someone else who uses that same computer and potentially same ip address who just so happens to belong to the same ptc site as you do. Avoid using public computers to access your paid to click sites if possible.

AOL Web Browser

Another common mistake is AOL members who use their AOL browser to access paid to click sites. The problem here is the fact that AOL uses proxy servers and your one account will be accessing the site from multiple IP address. From a ptc site perspective, this starts to look suspicious when a member accesses their account from many different IP addresses in a short period of time. Only use Firefox or Internet Explorer when accessing your ptc sites. We recommend Firefox for its ease of use and security features.

See this article on how Firefox can make your life easier and safer: Surviving The Paid To Click Grind

What To Do If Your Account Gets Banned

First and foremost you need to contact the admin of the site via support ticket if available, pm or forum post. Do it immediately after you realise your account has been banned. Don’t wait as this is crucial in recovering your account. Be sure to be courteous and respectful when communicating with the admin. This could be a misunderstanding of sorts, or a mistake so keep your cool. Be patient when waiting for a reply, spamming the admin using pms, the forums or support tickets is not going to help your cause. Forum moderators are also helpful in this respect. Go to the forum of that ptc site and message one of the moderators, as they are usually more prompt with replies then the admin is since he/she is very busy. After correspondence has been made with the admin or moderator, they may just give you a warning and reinstate your account. If not, you must convince the admin or moderators that this is a mistake not exploitation which is the assumption. If you have friends in the ptc community have them vouch for you. This lends creditability and the admin is more likely to see this as a mistake instead of exploitation.

Scam PTC Sites

Unfortunately you may have followed all the rules and common practices and still fall victim to a banned account. Only this time it may be a site that uses shady practices such as banning accounts for no other reason then to stop paying that member. Others yet use it as a front for acquiring userids and passwords to try at other PTC sites to break into your accounts. Avoid suspect sites like the plague. The following article has some simple rules to follow to avoid scam sites: Avoiding Scam PTC Sites


Follow the TOS and common practices and you will be fine. If you are unsure about something message the admin or moderators of the forums. Better to be safe then to throw away your money invested and time put in. Many times these situations tend to be misunderstandings or human error, so don’t over think it until you have contacted the admin.

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